Loading... ###### 这里简单记录了iss服务器如何设置开启RCON和windows客户端的使用方法。 ### 服务器设置rcon ``` [Rcon] bEnabled=True Password=这里填密码 ListenPort=这里填端口 ``` ### Commands | 可选 | 参数 | 描述 | | - | - | - | | `bUseBroadcastAddress` | True | If enabled, then the rcon socket will listen on all available network devices. | | `ListenAddressOverride` | | 如果bUseBroadcastAddress设置为False, this is the network IP the rcon socket is bound to. | | `bAllowConsoleCommands` | True | 设置为True时,任何未知的命令都将被解释为控制台命令。 | | `MaxPasswordAttempts` | 3 | 最大密码尝试次数 | | `IncorrectPasswordBanTime` | 30 | 如果达到最大尝试次数,则禁止连接到rcon的时间(单位是分钟) | | `help` | | Displays a list of commands. | | - | - | - | | `listplayers` | | Lists players currently connected to the server. | | `kick` | [reason] | Kicks a player from the server. | | `ban` | [duration in minutes] [reason] | Bans a player from the server. | | `banid` | [duration in minutes] [reason] | Bans a player (by net ID) from the server. Does not require the player to be on the server. | | `permban` | [reason] | Permanently bans a player from the server. | | `unban` | | Lifts a ban for a user. | | `listbans` | | Shows the ban list for the server. | | `say` | | Shows a message to all players in the chat box. | | `restartround` | [0 = no team switch, 1 = swap teams] | Restarts the current round. | | `maps` | [level filter] | Lists available maps. | | `scenarios` | [level filter] | Lists available scenarios. | | `travelscenario` | | Change level to given scenario. | | `travel` | | Transitions the server to a different level. | | `gamemodeproperty` | [new value] | Gets or sets a gamemode property for the length of the scenario. | | `listgamemodeproperties` | [property filter] | Lists all properties available for the currently loaded gamemode. | 默认情况下,所有未知命令都将作为控制台命令执行。 ## Windows客户端 这里介绍一款windows可用的客户端。[点我下载](https://cyxc.club/download/file?cid=13) * 这是给需要自己操作服务器的人使用的,英语不好的参考上面翻译过的内容,大体上是可以理解到意思的。 * 租了小草服务器的人可以找小草来问服务器的ip、端口、     Last modification:February 27, 2021 © Allow specification reprint Like If you think my article is useful to you, please feel free to appreciate